Special Issue of scientific journal ‘Sustainability’ now open for submissions - ‘Conference Exclusive Selection: Shaping Light for Health and Wellbeing in Cities’
After the successful international Conference “Shaping light for health and wellbeing in cities” that was held online on 16th and 17th December 2021, this special issue will include notable papers presented at the event. It will support the collection of evidence on indoor and outdoor lighting impacts on health and wellbeing under their various domains (medicine, social sciences, urban and lighting design, urban planning, ethics, etc.) and about tools and policy guidance to support decision-making processes, ensuring the integration of health and wellbeing in urban lighting plans and policies.
Potential topics for manuscript submissions include:
- Geo-intelligence and urban analytics for urban wellbeing;
- Social lighting and lighting technology for urban wellbeing;
- Co-design of light and community engagement for urban wellbeing;
- The interplay of genes and environment for health, wellbeing, and circadian rhythm;
- Innovative urban lighting policies;
- Legal and ethical aspects of urban lighting and related health studies.
To find out more about this special issue and how to submit a manuscript visit the dedicated Sustainability webpage.