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Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting
Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting
Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting
Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Academic research and education at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA) is characterised by a high level of ambition and encourages free and open communications and ideas. In 2018, VUA hosted approximately 25,000 students and approximately 4,600 staff members, of which 2,000 scientific staff. VUA comprises 9 faculties, ranging from biomedical and sciences to humanities disciplines. Research is divided into four themes, reflecting a strong level of involvement in current societal issues: Human Health and Life Sciences, Science for Sustainability, Connected World, and Governance for Society. The total research output in 2018 translated to over 7,400 scientific publications, and 430 doctoral theses. In the the University Impact Ranking 2019, the VU was ranked 2nd for gender equality and 6th for partnerships for the SDG goals.

Role of the institution within ENLIGHTENme

VUA is the work package 3 leader. Stichting VU participates in the project providing its competences in large scale data harmonization, genomics, exposome, mental health and wellbeing, and complex traits statistics. Stichting VU will also contribute in:

  • Work package 1 and 2 with expertise from the Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute to build the city level light and health map.
  • Work package 5 for ethics and a data management plan, according to the GDPR.
  • Work package 6 for dissemination of the results of the study.
  • Work package 7: Stichting VU plays an active and collaborative role in the organised meetings.
VUA logo
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands



Photo of Meike Bartels
Meike Bartels
Professor in Genetics and Wellbeing
Photo of Anne Landvreugd
Anne Landvreugd
PhD Student