Research Insights
Report on ENLIGHTENme Common Operational Language
This report describes the common operational language to be used across the different disciplines involved in the ENLIGHTENme project. Given the multidisciplinary nature of ENLIGHTENme and the need for approaching lighting policies through a transdisciplinary perspective, the common operational language aims to facilitate the communication among researchers representing the different disciplines involved as well as stakeholders and citizens interested in the project and/or involved in the project activities, such as the Urban Lighting Labs.
Download PDFReport on City Level Lighting and Health Maps
The ENLIGHTENme platform has the aim to gather and systematise existing knowledge about the impact of lighting policies and innovative interventions, both indoors and outdoors, on people’s health and wellbeing. This knowledge is available on the Urban Lighting and Health multiscale platform, a WebGIS-based platform organised into three levels: a worldwide open ATLAS of best practices, city level urban lighting and health maps and district level 3D models of the target districts.
This report describes the maps generated for the three ENLIGHTENme cities; Bologna in Italy, Amsterdam in The Netherlands and Tartu in Estonia, to visualise indicators and correlations related to the following domains:
- socio-economic determinants
- urban/lighting patterns
- lighting detection from satellite
- population health status and mental wellbeing
These maps will allow the identification of the shortlist of districts that will be used as the base for the selection of the target districts.
The maps are also available here.
Download PDFENLIGHTENme Global Level Open Atlas
The ENLIGHTENme platform has the aim to gather and systematise existing knowledge about the impact of lighting policies and innovative interventions, both indoors and outdoors, on people’s health and wellbeing. This knowledge is available on the Urban Lighting and Health multiscale platform, a WebGIS-based platform organised into three levels: a worldwide open ATLAS of best practices, city level urban lighting and health maps and district level 3D models of the target districts.
This report describes global level ENLIGHTENme open Atlas representing existing knowledge about evidence and good practices on urban lighting for health and wellbeing.
Download PDFEstablishing ULLs in selected target districts
Central to the evidence building phase of ENLIGHTENme is the establishment of Urban Lighting Labs (ULLs) in each of the target city districts in the three ENLIGHTENme cities.
The concept of an urban lab is to provide a structure and local identity for ENLIGHTENme activities, serving several interlinked functions in the overall project:
- qualitative social research into the lives and experiences of older citizens and their carers which can support evidence-based design and best practice guidelines for urban lighting.
- community engagement with a wide range of stakeholders to support co-design workshops leading to outdoor lighting installations and to help recruit participants for the ENLIGHTENme study.
- a base for community consultation and qualitative social research assessment during the public lighting installation period.
Substantively, the umbrella term ‘ULL’ covers a range of activities such as interviews, observation studies, design workshops, public consultations, night walks and more, that allow for research, engagement and co-design supporting conclusions about effective and generalisable urban lighting policies and guidelines. Because of the selection of cities and districts, localisation of research and design through ULLs also promotes a strong comparative dimension to the work.
Read more about the Urban Lighting Labs in this report.
Download PDFBiomedical protocol to assess the impact of electric light on circadian rhythms entrainment
This report describes a biomedical protocol to assess the impact of electric light on circadian rhythms entrainment.
Download PDF